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Carnegie Mellon University

Report Concerns

These instructions are for CMU affiliates to report an issue with their University system or account, or if a CMU account is sending email scams or phishing attempts.  

Concern Type Required Action(s)

Reporting an email scam or phishing attempt to or from a CMU email account

Use the PhishAlarm Report Phish button in Gmail


Email or call ISO at (412) 268-2044 and include:

If you clicked on a phishing email link or attachment, follow the Procedure for Responding to a Compromised Computer

If you believe that you have been phished, follow the instructions for I Might Have Been Phished, What Do I Do?

If you report a phishing message and receive an error/bounceback, it may be because ISO is aware of the malicious message and has already put safeguards in place

Suspect a computer you use for University related work or study is:

  • Compromised (un-authorized interactive access)
  • Infected by viruses, worms, or other malware
  • Attacking other systems
  • Mis-configured leading to security vulnerability or negative impact on University computing infrastructure

1. Follow the Procedure for Responding to a Compromised Computer

2. Email or call the ISO at (412) 268-2044.

Suspect that Non-public Institutional Data was accessed by unauthorized individuals such as:

  • A University computer or information system has been compromised.
  • A computer, mobile device, or storage medium such as an external disk or thumb drive is lost or stolen.
  • Non-public information is discovered to be accessible to unauthorized individuals, whether they are affiliated or unaffiliated with the University. 
  • Non-public information was accidentally or purposefully distributed to unauthorized individuals.

1. Follow the Procedure for Reporting Unauthorized Release or Access of Data

2. Email or call the ISO at (412) 268-2044.

Reporting theft of a computer used for University related work or study

1. Report the theft to University Police

2. Email including relevant:

  • registered hostname(s)
  • physical (MAC) address
  • last time used on campus network pre-theft

Reporting electronic harassment involving a University affiliate OR a computer used for University work or study

File a complaint with University Police

Reporting a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) violation 


Carnegie Mellon University Ethics Reporting Hotline

The hotline is NOT an emergency service.  For emergencies, call University Police at 412-268-2323 or 911.

Toll Free:1-844-587-0793

Via the Internet:

Advisory Notification:  Note that the Information Security Office (ISO) may use email to alert you to an advisory situation; however, we will NEVER send attachments in e-mail messages as part of the initial notification. As a general rule, if you are in doubt about a message do not open it!